Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
audio::CAudioBufferAudio buffer node
audio::CAudioTrackAudio track node
ogl::CCameraA generic camera node
rtaudiom::CCloseInputStreamClose input stream cell (access cell for CInputInterface
rtaudiom::CCloseOutputStreamClose output stream cell (access cell for COutputInterface)
xwindows::CDisplayA class that displays image data (from active pulse) in an XWindows window through an XWindowsInterface
glutio::CDisplayRasterRaster display cell
glutio::CDisplaySurfaceTextured surface display cell
glutio::CGlutIOEncpasulates OpenGL context and interfaces with GLUT library
image::CHeightA specialized type cell to get and set an image node's height value
image::CImageA generic image node class
rtaudiom::CInputInterfaceAudio input interface node
xwindows::CInterfaceA specialized interface node to create and interact with an XWindows window
glutio::CJoystickStateJoystick state node
glutio::CKeyboardEventKeyboard event node
glutio::CListenJoystickJoystick input cell
glutio::CListenKeyboardKeyboard input cell
glutio::CListenMouseMouse input cell
glutio::CMouseEventMouse event node
image::CNbChannelsA specialized type cell to get and set an image node's number of channels value
rtaudiom::COpenInputStreamOpen input stream cell (access cell for CInputInterface)
rtaudiom::COpenOutputStreamOpen output stream cell (access cell for COutputInterface)
rtaudiom::COutputInterfaceAudio output interface
image::CPixelDepthA specialized type cell to get and set an image node's pixel depth
audio::CPlayPlay audio cell
rtaudiom::CReceiveReceive audio from input interface Implements a push mechanism: process function and filters are not used
audio::CRecordRecord audio cell
rtaudiom::CSendSend audio to output interface
image::CWidthA specialized type cell to get and set an image node's width value

Generated on Thu Oct 21 12:39:19 2010 for MFSM Modules by  doxygen 1.5.9