image Namespace Reference

Regroupd elements defined by the Image module. More...


class  CImage
 A generic image node class. More...
class  CWidth
 A specialized type cell to get and set an image node's width value. More...
class  CHeight
 A specialized type cell to get and set an image node's height value. More...
class  CNbChannels
 A specialized type cell to get and set an image node's number of channels value. More...
class  CPixelDepth
 A specialized type cell to get and set an image node's pixel depth. More...


void registerFactories ()
 Function to call to load the node and cell factories in the system.


Image depth/type constants and RGB colors

const int IMAGE_DEPTH_1U = 0
 1 bit unsigned - not really supported yet
const int IMAGE_DEPTH_8U = 1
 8 bits unsigned integer
const int IMAGE_DEPTH_8S = 2
 8 bits signed integer
const int IMAGE_DEPTH_16U = 3
 16 bits unsigned integer
const int IMAGE_DEPTH_16S = 4
 16 bits signed integer
const int IMAGE_DEPTH_32S = 5
 32 bits signed integer
const int IMAGE_DEPTH_32F = 6
 32 bits floating point
const int IMAGE_DEPTH_BIT [10] = { 1,8,8,16,16,32,32,0,0,0 }
 Maps pixel depth value with number of bits.
const bool IMAGE_FLOATING [10] = { false,false,false,false,false,false,true,false,false,false }
 Maps pixel depth value with floating point status.
const unsigned char RGB_BLACK [3] = {0,0,0}
const unsigned char RGB_GREY63 [3] = {63,63,63}
 Dark grey.
const unsigned char RGB_GREY127 [3] = {127,127,127}
 Light grey.
const unsigned char RGB_WHITE [3] = {255,255,255}
const unsigned char RGB_RED [3] = {255,0,0}
 Saturated red.
const unsigned char RGB_GREEN [3] = {0,255,0}
 Saturated green.
const unsigned char RGB_BLUE [3] = {0,0,255}
 Saturated blue.
const unsigned char RGB_CYAN [3] = {0,255,255}
 Saturated cyan.
const unsigned char RGB_YELLOW [3] = {255,255,0}
 Saturated yellow.
const unsigned char RGB_MAGENTA [3] = {255,0,255}
 Saturated magenta.

Detailed Description

Regroupd elements defined by the Image module.

Variable Documentation

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_16S = 4

16 bits signed integer

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_16U = 3

16 bits unsigned integer

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_1U = 0

1 bit unsigned - not really supported yet

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_32F = 6

32 bits floating point

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_32S = 5

32 bits signed integer

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_8S = 2

8 bits signed integer

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_8U = 1

8 bits unsigned integer

const int image::IMAGE_DEPTH_BIT[10] = { 1,8,8,16,16,32,32,0,0,0 }

Maps pixel depth value with number of bits.

const bool image::IMAGE_FLOATING[10] = { false,false,false,false,false,false,true,false,false,false }

Maps pixel depth value with floating point status.

const unsigned char image::RGB_BLACK[3] = {0,0,0}


const unsigned char image::RGB_BLUE[3] = {0,0,255}

Saturated blue.

const unsigned char image::RGB_CYAN[3] = {0,255,255}

Saturated cyan.

const unsigned char image::RGB_GREEN[3] = {0,255,0}

Saturated green.

const unsigned char image::RGB_GREY127[3] = {127,127,127}

Light grey.

const unsigned char image::RGB_GREY63[3] = {63,63,63}

Dark grey.

const unsigned char image::RGB_MAGENTA[3] = {255,0,255}

Saturated magenta.

const unsigned char image::RGB_RED[3] = {255,0,0}

Saturated red.

const unsigned char image::RGB_WHITE[3] = {255,255,255}


const unsigned char image::RGB_YELLOW[3] = {255,255,0}

Saturated yellow.

Generated on Thu Oct 21 12:39:20 2010 for MFSM Modules by  doxygen 1.5.9